Taylor Otwell developed Laravel – an open-source PHP network – in June 2011 as a more advanced option to the CodeIgniter framework. Based on Symfony components, Laravel is a web application development platform that features expressive and exquisite syntax. To be genuinely able to fulfill, we believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience. Laravel makes development easier by automating common tasks found in many web projects.
So far, Laravel has published eight versions and often delivers security updates. Such improved updates and enhancements allow Laravel developers to build web solutions effortlessly. Not only does Laravel reduce complexity and simplify work, but it also yields a rich user experience.
Why is Laravel Preferred Over Other PHP Frameworks?
Besides offering flawless syntax and best-in-class coding practices while developing custom web applications, Laravel provides many security functions. Among all the PHP frameworks, Laravel offers easy integration with valid token forms or AJAX calls. Its performance, coherence, and clarity enable it to keep its cache, contributing to its title as one of the best PHP frameworks.
The following are some distinct features of the Laravel framework:
- Bundles
- Eloquent ORM
- Application Logic
- Query Builder
- Reverse Routing
- Automatic Pagination
- Unit Testing
- IOC Containers
When compared to all the frameworks, Laravel handles everything without any hindrances. Developers prefer this network as it comes with a sizable full-stack model. Some developers prefer to say that Laravel is the perfect PHP framework with its expressive and exquisite syntax.
Some of the benefits that the user can gain from using Laravel are:
- Amplified performance
- Open-source with a robust community
- Easy testing
- Wide reach with multilingual applications
- Quick market reach
8 advantages of Laravel over other PHP frameworks
Explained below are some of the benefits that make Laravel better than any other PHP framework.
- Model-View-Controller Support: Following the Model, View, and Controller (MVC) based architectural pattern is probably one of the biggest advantages that a Laravel framework offers. When combined with the beautiful and expressive syntax, the MVC-based architecture makes Laravel object-oriented.
- Multiple File System: A built-in support for the cloud storage system makes Laravel incredibly simple. The fact that API stays constant for each storage system makes switching between the storage options incredibly easy. With Laravel, you can use all three storage systems (Amazon S3, Rack space Cloud Storage, and local storage)
- Eloquent ORM: Laravel offers a built-in ORM implementation – the Eloquent ORM. The Object-relational Mapper (ORM) that Laravel contains is the best compared to other frameworks in the market. It is this ORM that allows the user to interact with the database objects along with the database relationships with the use of expressive syntax.
- Artisan Console: With Artisan – Laravel’s command line interface, it becomes easy for the users to publish package assets, manage database migrations, and seed and generate boilerplate code for new models, controllers, and migrations. This feature gives the developer the freedom from creating perfect code skeletons.
- In-built Authentication and Authorization: In just a few Artisan commands, the user can equip their application with secure authentication and authorization with the help of its unique configuration.
- Template Engine: Blade Template Engine – Laravel’s in-built template engine combines various templates with a data model in order to produce the resultant views. In addition, Blade offers a set of control structures that are mapped to their PHP counterparts internally.
- Task Scheduling: Scheduler is incorporated into the Artisan command line utility, allowing users to schedule the execution of periodic tasks in a programmatic manner.
- Generate Signed URLs: The developers can build URL routes for their API response/ application on Laravel. The URL thus generated will use the HTTP or HTTPS scheme automatically and host from the request currently handled by the application. The users are free from the need to change the calls to the route function every time the route’s URL changes.
Since its release in 2011, Laravel has become one of the globally popular web development frameworks. Recent reports state that over 6,95,000 websites use Laravel, of which 3,17,218 websites are live in just the United States! Toyota, Starbucks, and even NASA are some of the biggest brands in the world that use Laravel due to their distinct features and easy-to-use nature.
Tech enthusiasts expect the following development from Laravel in the future:
- Laravel Companies benefit from React to offer the best user interfaces
- Improvement in developer productivity through integration of Symfony components into the framework
- Enhanced focus on web socket support as well as the HTTP/2 protocols
- Robust support from PHP 7
These changes in the near future are expected to increase the demand of experienced developers, who are also familiar with React and Symfony components. These are the reasons why the future of Laravel is bright.
FAQ About the Advantages of Laravel
How much does it cost to develop a website in Laravel?
Laravel development costs between $3,000 to $30,000. The final cost of developing a website on Laravel depends on several factors. These factors include but are not limited to the experience level of the developers and designers, time invested in the project, and more.
What is the future of the Laravel framework?
The future of Laravel is bright for businesses as well as developers. As Laravel is integrated with a template engine to develop a bigger layout using content seeding. Laravel also supports MVC architecture support which offers in-depth documentation and enhances development process speed. Even, Laravel offers solid web application security and uses a salted password mechanism so the password will be saved in the encrypted form.
Select Laravel for Your Web Development Project
Although there are numerous other PHP frameworks, Laravel holds the lead due to the sheer amount of functions it offers. Being the most popular PHP framework, Laravel brings a lot to the table for its users. If you want to start your web development project, Laravel can be considered the most effective choice due to the easy-to-understand codes and clarity of the functionality.
Besides these, given the current popularity of this platform, developers predict its future to be brighter and more popular than the present time. So why wait? Develop your website on one of the most popular and fun PHP frameworks right away.
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